Beat The Backlog

Backlogs. Damn backlogs. We’ve all got them. I’m almost certain Steam sales were introduced to make sure we have them. I can’t guarantee this site will help you power through those games, but it may help you decide what to tackle next.

Review: Jamestown

Jamestown is a title rife with bizarre paradoxes: it’s a four player local co-op shmup–on the PC. It’s set in the troubled colonies of the 17th century–on Mars. It’s a 16-bit era bullet hell shooter–released in 2011. One thing that certainly isn’t a paradox, however, is that it offers exceptionally smooth, tight, graceful game mechanics,… Continue reading Review: Jamestown

Five Awesome Games You Can Play On Your Netbook

The iPad and similar tablet devices have been getting all the media love lately, as your poor netbook keeps chuggin’ along outside the spotlight. But did you know it can run some amazing games Apple’s shiny new toy can only dream of?

Tips for a Healthy Nutrition Month

(Health aspect) Health is essential for gamers as it affects their physical and mental state. Sitting for prolonged periods of time and poor posture can cause back and neck pain, eye strain, and fatigue. Regular exercise, rest, and healthy food choices can improve overall health and boost cognitive function, improving concentration, memory, and reaction times.… Continue reading Tips for a Healthy Nutrition Month

Roundtable: EA & Ubisoft E3 2011

EA and Ubisoft  filled in between Microsoft and Sony. They showed off a few new titles, quite a few sequels, and brought back some old friends from last year’s E3. Follow along with our round table discussion.

Sequels. Why Did it Have to Be Sequels?

Sad thing is, I'd probably play this.

Franchises are a now natural part of the game industry, of this there can certainly be no doubt. No game is released without someone having made the decision that this could be a marketable property with merchandise, possible movie rights and, of course, plenty of sequels, prequels, or re-imaginings.

Roundtable: Nintendo E3 2011

The last of the hardware giants, Nintendo, held their conference Tuesday morning, showing off a slew of games for the 3DS. But perhaps most importantly, they dropped the Wii U bomb, announcing a brand new HD console with a screen built into the controller.

Review: Hamilton’s Great Adventure

We’ve covered the adventurous Hamilton a few times already, even giving five witty commenters a copy of the game. How does the Indiana Jones lookalike’s first game stack up? Read on to find out.

Categorized as PC, Review

Roundtable: Sony E3 2011

Sony capped off the opening day with the naming of the previously shown “Next Generation Portable”, some news on Uncharted 3, a couple of new titles, as well as some Sony exclusive deals for a few EA titles. And thus begins our second E3 Round Table.

Roundtable: Microsoft E3 2011

Microsoft opened up the pre-E3 conferences, so it’s only fitting they open our round table discussion. Here, various writers will chip in their thoughts, opinions, and highs & lows of the conferences. Let’s get started.