SlottyWay Casino – darmowe spiny, jak zdobyc

SlottyWay Casino – darmowe spiny, jak zdobyc Darmowe spiny to jedna z najbardziej atrakcyjnych promocji dostępnych w kasynach online. SlottyWay Casino regularnie oferuje graczom możliwość zdobycia bezpłatnych obrotów na popularnych automatach, co pozwala na grę bez ryzyka własnych środków. Jak można je zdobyć? Jakie są warunki promocji? W tym artykule szczegółowo analizujemy dostępne bonusy oraz… Continue reading SlottyWay Casino – darmowe spiny, jak zdobyc

Things To Pass Time Before Final Fantasy XV Releases

There’s less than two weeks until the release of Final Fantasy XV. Previously announced as Final Fantasy Versus XIII with the “Somnus” trailer all the way back in 2006 near the launch of the PS3 it’s since changed directors, platform, name and even a fair bit of the story and characters. Now it’s looking to… Continue reading Things To Pass Time Before Final Fantasy XV Releases

Roll 6 or Die: Review – Heroes Wanted

When I reviewed Sentinels of the Multiverse, I lamented the lack of superhero-themed tabletop games outside of deckbuilders and CCGs; particularly those where you control a single hero. Little did I know that an answer to this cry, with an entirely appropriate name, had already launched on Kickstarter and smashed its funding target nearly five… Continue reading Roll 6 or Die: Review – Heroes Wanted

Roll 6 or Die: Review – A Study In Emerald

A Study In Emerald is a game about a ‘secret war’ set during the late Victorian era in a world ruled by the Lovecraftian ‘Old Ones’ and features Sherlock Holmes characters, (double) agents, assassinations, city takeovers as well as zombies, vampires and even Cthulhu himself. If that premise alone doesn’t have you intrigued then stop… Continue reading Roll 6 or Die: Review – A Study In Emerald

Roll 6 or Die: Review – Sentinels of the Multiverse

Having recently received its latest expansion, Vengeance, and with a Kickstarted tactical hex-grid combat continuation of the series on the way, now seems like a good time to take a look at Sentinels of the Multiverse as it stands. This will function as both a brief overview of the game and its expansions as well… Continue reading Roll 6 or Die: Review – Sentinels of the Multiverse

Fathers of Gaming

Today is Father’s Day in many nations around the world. Love ’em or hate ’em, fathers make us who we are, and in gaming it’s no different. Protecting their loved ones in dire situations, providing support, or just beating up their kids over mistakes long past, these fathers can be the heroes and villains in… Continue reading Fathers of Gaming

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Friday Freeloader: Lost Vikings & Rock N Roll Racing and some random mortuary news

Blizzard, famed creators of super-duper popular MMO World of Warcraft weren’t always this big and famous. Back in the day, under the name “Silicon & Synapse” they released their first game to the SNES; The Lost Vikings. Now many years and billions of dollars of WoW subscriptions later you can grab their first game for… Continue reading Friday Freeloader: Lost Vikings & Rock N Roll Racing and some random mortuary news

FTL for iPad Takes Flight April 3rd

Faster Than Light, the 2012 rogue-like space adventure game and Kickstarter success story that we really enjoyed, is receiving its eagerly awaited iPad version on April 3rd. This coincides with the Advanced Edition upgrade that PC players will be getting, with the new content also included for iPad players. The game fanatics are already rushing… Continue reading FTL for iPad Takes Flight April 3rd

Appetizers: Calculords

Probably the weirdest Venn diagram I’ve ever imagined in my head, consists of mathematics, role-playing games, and turn-based strategies. More often than not, you’ll see any given 2 of these combined – number-crunching DPS data on some MMORPG somewhere, monitoring resource intake so you can plan future moves in strategies, or just turn-based RPGs like… Continue reading Appetizers: Calculords

Review: Banished

Banished is the little town sim that could. Built by the one man team of Shining Rock Software, the game sees you controlling a group of exiles from small beginnings to a burgeoning town of several hundred people over the space of a hundred years or so.

Firefly: The Game – Starter’s Guide, Part 4 – Supply Planets & Supplies

Money so pretty, you'll want it for that reason alone.
This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Firefly: The Game - Starter's Guide

Welcome to Part 4! This contains a look at the various Supply Planets and their respective deck make-ups, examples of Supplies and some extra details, an explanation of the mechanics when it comes to buying, and the acknowledgements for all the folks who helped in putting this guide together.

Firefly: The Game – Starter’s Guide, Part 3 – Contacts, Solid Rep, Jobs & Misbehaving

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Firefly: The Game - Starter's Guide

In Part 3, we will take a look at the Contacts who provide our Jobs as well as some examples of the Jobs themselves, and get an idea of what Misbehaving entails. Just be aware, this part’s quite a long’un…

Firefly: The Game – Starter’s Guide, Part 1 – Basics, Leaders, Actions & Ships

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Firefly: The Game - Starter's Guide

Firefly: The Game is fairly nuanced and features a wieldy rulebook. To aid new players in making sense of things, or to give potential buyers a substantially in-depth look at how it plays, this is a comprehensive four-part guide on everything a player should know.