In a move that might surprise a few people, Sega have acquired a license from Games Workshop to make games based on the Warhammer property. Given that the Warhammer 40K series is one of recently-ailing THQ’s top draws, what does that spell for both parties?
Free to Play: Team Fortress 2
Out five years this year, Team Fortress 2 has been played and enjoyed by millions. After a year as a free-to-play game, has Team Fortress 2 retained its unique blend of class-based fun or has the weight of all the items on the Mann Store and all those free-to-play gamers crushed the quality of this… Continue reading Free to Play: Team Fortress 2
Review: Mugen Souls
Compile Heart and NIS America are at it once again: bringing a fille-filled JRPG to the Playstation 3 and the West. Mugen Souls seeks to subjugate everyone and everything—a fair enough conqueror at the very least.
Review: FTL: Faster Than Light
I’m outnumbered 4-to-2, but the invading Space Pirates are being held off in an undesignated common room by reinforced blast doors. I’ve got options: try to draw them into the medical bay where I can take them on whilst having my health topped up. Lie in wait in a nearby narrow hallway where I can… Continue reading Review: FTL: Faster Than Light
Review: Cherry Tree High Comedy Club
Laugh, and the world laughs with you. When not thieving your breath with its lengthy name, Cherry Tree High Comedy Club seeks to do so with wittiness. Nyu Media teams up with Tezuka Productions to bring indie developer 773’s adventure-type to the West.
Curiosity – What’s Inside the Cube
In early March of this year, Peter Molyneux, a games industry veteran, parted ways with Lionhead and Microsoft after working with them for fifteen and six years, respectively. He embarked on the founding of a new games studio, 22Cans, with several other Lionhead veterans, and they have now released their first… experiment: Curiosity – What’s… Continue reading Curiosity – What’s Inside the Cube
Battlefield 1942 Goes Free On Origin
EA are celebrating Battlefield’s 10th anniversary by releasing the original Battlefield 1942 on Origin, free to everyone. You can grab it here. Curiously, it’s under the Demos tab rather than Free Games, but the Battlefield team on Twitter have confirmed that it is indeed the full game.
Free to Play: Tribes:Ascend
For the next few weeks as we wait on the launch of Planetside 2, I’ll be taking a look at what the FPS genre has to offer in the Free to Play market culminating in a critical analysis of how each one handles the model and which one offers the most bang for your….uhhh…lint? First… Continue reading Free to Play: Tribes:Ascend
Review: Hotline Miami
I sit here, wanting to type words about Hotline Miami, but I almost can’t. It’s not because I don’t want to, neither is it because I can’t accurately describe the game on paper. Rather, it’s because I just want to go back to playing it. Two playthroughs later, and I still have questions raised in… Continue reading Review: Hotline Miami
Review: Clan of Champions
The folk at NIS America bring Acquire’s Playstation 3 gladiator bout to the west—for PC!
Auto Modellista: How Capcom’s Only Racing Game Crashed
Racing games are a tough breed. If you’ve got brand recognition from a tournament, you’re doing alright, but if not, you need to be bringing something totally new to the table in order to make your game endearing. Gran Turismo did it with in-depth realistic modification options, and simulation handling. Forza Motorsport did it with… Continue reading Auto Modellista: How Capcom’s Only Racing Game Crashed
Of Daughters and Dishonored (Spoilers)
Dishonored is a first-person stealth action game that smells sweetly of Thief and Bioshock. Beneath the sinister cloak-and-dagger gameplay and masterfully realized setting, there lies a chaos system. It gauges your carnage, tallies your eviscerations, considers your subtlety, ponders your disposition toward revenge or mercy and changes the world accordingly. It also changes your daughter.
Review: Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel
This year-and-a-half old role-playing game finally gets a review.
The Dice Don’t Lie
IMPORTANCE OF BALANCED DIET IN A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE The importance of a balanced diet can’t be emphasized enough for a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle can be attained by maintaining a balanced diet and keeping into consideration to meet all the essential nutrients required by the body. A proper meal plan helps to attain ideal body weight and reduce… Continue reading The Dice Don’t Lie
Review: Legasista
Importance of a Balanced Diet Eating a healthy diet is all about feeling great, having more energy, improving your health, and boosting your mood. Good nutrition, physical activity, and healthy body weight are essential parts of a person’s overall health and well-being. Check more about Ikaria lean belly juice. There’s no questioning the importance of… Continue reading Review: Legasista