Press X or Die is staffed by a rag tag bunch of gamers from all around the globe. We started off as a small group of gamers from the Kotakuites Steam group. A few of us all had wanted to make our own gaming blogs, and so we all banded together. And thus was born the greatest gaming blog of them all: Press X or Die.
Since our launch in November ’09, like a katamari, we’ve picked up many more writers, and we’re still looking for interested, willing and able people. If you’d like to join this great team, then feel free to contact us.
Dean Bowes
I’m the closest thing this site has to an Editor-in-Chief, but that would be far too formal, and puts an expectation of quality on me. I’m slightly eccentric and British, though the two may come hand in hand.
My roles around here will be covering mostly UK news, running a few opinion pieces, and posting up reviews and tutorials as well as picking up the Guest Articles we publish.
I’m primarily a PC gamer, with PS3 and DS on the side.| Twitter | Steam | Raptr
Gregg Cox
Part-time gamer, writer and musician (well, bass player).
As a graduate of Media Studies and TV Scriptwriting, he’ll mostly be putting this experience towards boring you with overlong analytical articles on stuff no one cares about.
He’s also a fan of self-deprecation and talking in third-person.
Dave Strife
Currently unemployed. I’m generally an all round gamer on all platforms, RPGs, Fighting games, RTSs, most games really. I’ll most probably be bringing you news, opinion pieces and maybe writing reviews now and again. I’ll probably also be doing a few reviews of older games too. |Twitter | Steam | Raptr | Playfire | Formspring
James Henderson
Former Games Development student from Ireland, now working in the IT sector.
I’m usually found lurking on Twitter, and talk more about games than I do actually playing them. I grew up with a Commodore 64, before moving up through the ranks and generations, and dreamed of designing games. Realizing that a 12-hour working day could potentially be a one-way road to destroying a most-loved hobby, I decided to call it quits when the going was still good. I’ve now branched out into writing about games when my friends got fed up of listening to me rant, and I’ve been with Press X Or Die since June 2010. | Twitter | Playfire | Steam | Raptr
Ethan Oliver
I’m a law student (soon to graduate, which is scary) who likes to play video games as a hobby. In addition to games, I like writing, so writing for this site provides a nice combination of the two.
I used to be primarily a PC gamer, switched over to consoles around the 360 launch, but recently built a new PC and have been slowly moving back to that side ever since. I consider myself pretty well-rounded though, and play games on my PC, 360, PS3, and Wii. My areas of interest tend to be centered around action-adventures and WRPGs, with a healthy mix of other genres thrown in for good measure. I’m also a sucker for interesting indie games. Writing-wise I tend to stick mostly to reviews, and the occasional small news item, though I’m trying to step up my production to help provide you with interesting stuff to read.
Declan Murphy
Declan is just about as stereotypical as a gamer can get. Starting from a young age, Declan spent most of his time locked away in his room, getting fat and playing games. In all that time, the only thing to change has been the amount of games in his collection and his weight. The one thing he enjoys as much as gaming is sharing his opinions about games with others.His dream is to one day have an entire room as a dedicated games library, wowing friends and scaring away potential wives.
Jay Gibbs
Though originally hailing from the forested mountains of Vermont and now living in Boston, Massachusetts, Jay is a writer/illustrator – though one working primarily as a computer technician – infected by a life-long love of video games, science-fiction/fantasy novels, and cooking.
After spending some time as planet-bound intergalactic hitchhiker (a normal hitchhiker who happens to carry around a towel), he’s set his aspirations a bit lower; working on a semi-biographical webcomic, two novels, and a children’s book, his days of schlepping across the country with a pack on his shoulder and a towel across his neck long behind him.
He’s a staunch proponent of PC gaming, not owning any consoles, a vocal supporter of indy game development, and a self-described “over-opinionated jerkwad”.| Twitter | Steam
Wayne Dawe
Currently striving to break free from the shackled tedium of office administration work and become an established columnist in his own right, Wayne is a long-time member of the gaming community going all the way back to when he picked up his first controller in ‘91; coincidentally the time his mainstay favourite appeared, Sonic the Hedgehog.
Willing to try just about anything and almost certain to provide an opinion on it, Wayne’s gaming is eclectic as his views. Opinionated, brash, occasionally offensive, always miserable, he can be counted on to tell it as he sees it.
Ben Unkle
Ben Unkle is currently studying Multimedia Journalism at Oklahoma State University. He’s been playing video games since the Nintendo 64 days, and enjoys just about every genre out there. If you just want to game with him, his Steam ID is DukeOfPwn and his Xbox Live Gamertag is TheCheese33. |Twitter | Steam
Saturnine Tenshi
When not dutifully scrawling novels and the occasional review, Saturnine can be found petting his wife or bathing with his frolicsome cat. They’re both spry and easily beguiled by plastic springs, so he often confuses the two when typing his biographies in third-person.
If populating a map for military conquest, it would be accurate to neatly place his tiny walnut idol–artillery, maybe–somewhere in Toronto, Ontario. His ammunition would be writing, reading, gaming, slumbering and catting; not the naughty whipping sort but activities involving cats. Catting.
Jon Bent
Slowly wasting time until he can go back to university to become a History Teacher, Jon is a 21 year old from Boston (no, not that Boston), Lincolnshire. He’s a Sony boy at heart, although his first ever console was a NES. He can’t really remember playing that much, but the Sega Mega Drive was his first real foray into console gaming. Kid Chameleon caused many a nightmare in his head. When he unwrapped the PlayStation console one Christmas, it was the start of the slide into being a nerd.
Mainly playing RPGs and Sports games, Jon is willing to try anything. He’s very scathing with his reviews, often trying to tone down his language for the blog so as not to offend delicate ears, but every so often a swear or two finds itself into the blog.
Currently splitting his gaming between a PS3 and PC, with the occasional DS game. Jon doesn’t really have a greatest gaming achievement, because he isn’t actually that good a gamer. | Steam | Twitter
Alex Shedlock
Studying English Language and Literature at Edinburgh University, this Scottish videogame obsessive (as always) spends far too much time playing games (when he should be doing more important things like eating haggis. Or studying).
Having played games since he was 3 years old, perhaps younger, Alex has built up an all-encompassing knowledge of the western gaming universe. Prepare for an articulate barrage of “like this meets this” comparisons and analytical musings on games, game design, and the art of the videogame.
When not gaming, he may be found avidly reading comics, passionately making musical love with his guitar, and absorbing all other potential forms of media, whilst being rubbish at everything real or practical.
Connor Crook
This goofy looking fellow hails from a seaside town in England and has been playing video games since he got his first sega with Sonic the Hedgehog. Now at the ripe old age of nineteen he studies Psychology with Criminology at Nottingham Trent University and spends a vast majority of his free time gaming. Primarily a PC gamer but also plays games on PS3, Wii, iOS, DS/3DS and PSP. | Twitter | Steam
Colin Dettmar
Press X or Die’s Man in the Midwest, he hails from Illinois in the United States, where absolutely nothing happens. A former creative writing major, Colin loves writing novels as much as playing games, and rarely finishes either. Passionate and talentless with fighting games, he mostly plays the PS3, though he also owns a PC, a Vita, a Wii, and countless systems that are technically outdated. On PSN as elsewhere, he goes by SixTwoSixFour. | Twitter
Past Writers
Miodrag Kovacevic
Hailing from the strange land of Serbia, often confused with Siberia, Miodrag has been playing video games, watching cartoons and soaking up trivia his whole life. His first (and to date only) console was a Sega Master System II. He has, however, managed to get through the libraries of most pre-PS2 games until he got a PC in 2002.
Thanks to the power of television, he speaks English and German in addition to Serbian. Miodrag is currently struggling to finish college (Japanese major), get two webcomics running, help build a proper Serbian fighting game community and obtain a giant gummy bear. Aside from PXOD, he writes for the retro section of a Serbian gaming magazine. | Twitter | Steam
Kyle Mann
A gaming enthusiast living in the beautiful Southern California sunshine, I game on my PC, as well as my Nintendo consoles and handhelds.