Our nominations have been put forward, we’ve each had our piece on what we think should be our Game of the Year, and why. After sitting down and deciding which of these games was most deserving, we came to a final conclusion. And so, our choice for Game of the Year 2011 is…
Tag: Press X or Die
Press X or Die GOTY Reader Vote
For this year we’re going to let you guys get more involved with the PXOD GOTY, and so we are having a readers’ vote.
My Game of the Year: Bastion
In a year so chock full of Triple-A titles that my wallet is still reeling from November, my Game of the Year for 2011 is a little downloadable title from Supergiant Games.
My Game of the Year: Portal 2
With so many great games this year, it was tough to choose. There was Skyrim, Uncharted 3, Catherine, so many choices, but after a lot of thought I settled on Portal 2. As I was choosing, I tried to think of reasons why these games should or shouldn’t be nominated for game of the year.… Continue reading My Game of the Year: Portal 2
My Game of the Year: Minecraft
I can hear you readers already. “But Connor! Minecraft’s been playable for more than a year!” That’s true, but on the 18th of November 2011, the game was finally moved from beta and “released”, and that is why I’ve chosen it as my game of this year.
My Game of the Year: Terraria
Strenuous manual labour, fending off pests by day and a desperate quest for survival at night. Sound familiar? It probably does, but it’s not what you think. It’s the story of Terraria, a 2D platforming-based RPG. Seems a bit odd to put forward an indie game as a contender in a year that’s given us… Continue reading My Game of the Year: Terraria
My Game of the Year: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Dragons are cool. Sure, maybe they’ve been the basis for a few too many future fantasy romance novels, but they remain cool nonetheless. Dragons capture that same part of our imagination that makes dinosaurs so enrapturing. They’re these huge, powerful, alien-seeming creatures that make humans, accustomed to being the dominant form of life, feel small,… Continue reading My Game of the Year: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
My Game of the Year: Batman: Arkham City
As a release, it is a contender for worst of the year: missing DLC codes, disappearing saves, a month-long PC delay without any tangible performance benefit. Yes, Games For Windows – LIVE was not even the most egregious of issues. Wait, what are we doing here?
My Game of the Year: Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Another year, another RPG. I clearly have a soft spot here. Human Revolution was a prequel to the “once you mention it someone will install it” Deus Ex, frequently voted one of the top PC games of all time. Huge shoes to fill but for Eidos Montreal’s debut game they certainly hit the mark.
My Game of the Year: Sonic Generations
There are many qualities necessary for a game to qualify as one well-worth playing or a heralded ‘must-have’: its graphics, plot, music, not forgetting the all-important gameplay. A good game can do one of these partially well, a great game should arguably do this and more, potentially excelling or doing that which few others have.… Continue reading My Game of the Year: Sonic Generations
My Game of the Year: Dead Space 2
With all of the high profile titles that released throughout this year, and 2011 coming to a close, it’s easy to forget that Dead Space 2 came out in January. The astounding volume of games has made it feel like ages since players stepped into the boots of Isaac Clarke, so conversations often turn to… Continue reading My Game of the Year: Dead Space 2
My Game of the Year: The Witcher 2
As the year now draws to a close, I’m forced (through the use of whips and canes) to choose my Game of the Year. After much thought and the sacrifice of two hens to the gods of decision-making, I can think of no better game to receive my nomination than The Witcher 2.
My Game of the Year: Ar tonelico Qoga
A clarion blast of magnificence!
PXOD Game of the Year 2011 – Nominations
It’s that time of year again, folks. Twelve months have passed. Hundreds of games have been released. But which of the cream of the crop will become the Press X or Die Game of the Year 2011? There’s only one way to find out.