Eric Lempel, PSN director, popped up on the PlayStation blog today to let people know that the firmware launched in December as an optional upgrade is now mandatory. That means no playing online until you update!
The update allows you to transfer data between two PS3’s using a LAN cable as well as giving you th ability to play Mini’s on a PS3. Why anyone would want to do that though, I have no clue.
Now PS3 owners will be able to play “minis,” and those who own both a PS3 and PSP system will be able to play on either platform. “minis” for the PS3 system will be available for download onPlayStation Store in the coming weeks. If you’ve purchased any “minis” already for your PSP and the title becomes available for PS3, you’ll simply need to download the title to your PS3.
Check out the link for full details on the update.