Here’s the tricky part: There were other TCUs that went online during the downtime, and they still stand. It was only those placed by TEST Alliance Please Ignore, and the timing of their drops that happened to “give an unfair advantage”- Senior GM Lelouch
Included are links to current threads, closed threads and Dreddit. These should give enough information to understand what is at play here. GMs are currently locking threads to quiet the frustrated Alliances and Corps that are involved or supporting.
Included in these links, you’ll find the Eve system maps from before downtime, showing the TCUs active, and after the servers came back on, all were offlined and destroyed within 7 minutes. This is quite a shocking development, but hey, it’s Eve. Would you expect anything less?
GM Abuse is ramant in eve online nobody wins everyone gets banned sooner or later wether you did something wrong or not!