Talk about a blast from the past! Yesterday, Dave Gilbert announced on Twitter that his publishing company, Wadjet Eye Games, would be releasing Da New Guys: Day of the Jackass on February 29. That name probably doesn’t ring a bell for most of you, but as a longtime adventure game nut who used to spend an inordinate amount of time on homebrew forums, I’m more than familiar with this humorous spin on the professional wrestling world. However, it’s been just under 7 years since the creator Chris Burton talked about his sequel, and long-delayed games have an ugly habit of releasing in less-than-ideal conditions (see Postal III and Duke Nukem Forever).
Fortunately, it appears that the original, free game in the series is still available via his website. If you like what you see, head over to the store page, try the demo, and see if the lengthy time in the oven has paid off at all.